Without even knowing it, all of us will at some time have handled products for which the raw material was supplied by Morssinkhof Rymoplast. The company is one of Europe’s largest plastic recycling businesses. Products manufactured here from the recovered raw material include (waste) bin bags, wheelie bins and PET bottles manufactured from 100% recovered plastic. The latter product is particularly special as a Food Approved regranulate.
To put it briefly, the recovery of raw materials from waste is the core business of Morssinkhof Rymoplast. Stefan Morssinkhof, who together with his brothers Rolf and Eric sits at the head of the company explained: We produce recovered plastics, but always remembering my father’s motto, namely that the reprocessing of plastics into a high-quality recovered raw material is only ecologically and economically worthwhile if the feed material is available in sufficient quantity and of sufficient quality.
At the same time, the recovered raw materials we produce must have sufficient possible potential applications. In other words, make sure you have a sales market before you start something new. We now have eight locations in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Poland, and are one of Europe’s largest plastic recyclers.”
The philosophy at Morssinkhof Rymoplast can best be described as realistic and sustainable. Morssinkhof Rymoplast supports sustainable business by offering solutions for waste flows and by facilitating the use of high-quality recycled plastics, without losing sight of the underlying economic arguments.
The product MOPET-A complies with the strictest regulations, and can for example be used as a raw material for the manufacture of bottles by producers of soft drinks and mineral water. As a result Morssinkhof has achieved a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, while the raw material has the same level of quality as virgin plastic. We describe this as Closing the Loop. Coca Cola for example already uses our product on its green packaging in Germany, with bottles produced from 100% MOPET-A. As compared to new plastic, MOPET-A is less environmentally harmful, since the production of polymers requires a great deal of energy.
On the other hand, our product is only possible in the form of partnership. It is all about the will to achieve sustainability. Certainly given current low oil prices, it is almost easier to use virgin raw materials, but our customers are increasingly recognising the essential need to make use of recovered raw materials. We however have to issue a delivery guarantee, something we are now able to do thanks to our partnership with Nijhof-Wassink. They take responsibility for storage in Coevorden, in such a way that the production process is never threatened. They also transport a large proportion of our products to our customers. The long-term relationship between the two companies goes back almost 50 years. In the same way that we make life easier for our customers, Nijhof-Wassink does the same for us.”
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